I’ve been working on a website for managing well logs on and off for a while now.
Meet Loggie, a well log website!
With Loggie, you can join and create groups to share your logs, and customize how public or private each group is. It’s similar to Reddit’s permission system with well logs instead of posts.
Well logs are a collection of sensors lowered into a well bore. The variety of sensors, scale of the data, and visualization options create an interesting challenge for displaying the data.
At the moment the visualizations are based on a mapping I created of common logging tools and how they’re plotted. An enhancement to that would be to allow users to customize the visualization, plotting tools Loggie doesn’t recognize.
All the code I’ve written for Loggie is closed source at the moment, but I’m thinking I’ll open source the Permission system app at least.
Here’s a screenshot from an array induction log:
You can view this log on Loggie, here.
The app is hosted with Heroku on their lowest Dyno tier, so there’s an initial wake delay on the initial app load.
One performance bottleneck is the rendering and encoding of the well log plot image in the backend via Matplotlib. The plotting will need to be transfered to the front end.